Climate-neutral and resilient historic districts: Findings from the EU R&I Task Force

Did you manage to participate in the workshop held on October 12th? If not, we invite you to relive it with us by watching the recording below.

Cities host almost 80% of Europe’s population, and are the main drivers of its economy and key actors in solving the climate crisis. Historic districts are at the heart of European cities, giving a "sense of place" and contributing to people's well-being. However, such districts face specific resilience challenges that cannot be solved by one-size-fits-all solutions. To coordinate research into these resilience challenges, the EU-funded research projects ARCH, HYPERION and SHELTER established the EU R&I Task Force for climate-neutral and resilient historic urban districts.

In this session, Task Force partners and actors at the cross-section of climate change adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk management for historic districts will present and discuss the main findings of the Task Force, including:

  • A Resilience Framework developed into a CEN Workshop Agreement
  • Methods and tools for assessing the resilience of historic districts
  • Research and policy recommendations to address resilience challenges facing historic districts

In an interactive discussion, panellists will highlight how these solutions have been applied in a number of European cities and will discuss with participants how these solutions can be applied in other cities and what challenges still remain to make historic districts more resilient.

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