Open Lab Baixa Limia Natural Park Serra do Xurés 3rd workshop with local agents

On December 2, 2020, the Xunta de Galicia organizes the Open Lab workshop with local agents of the Third project cycle, virtually via Cisco Webex of the Xunta due to the Covid19 situation.

Objectives and expected results of the third workshop
  • Review project objectives and reconnect with Agents
  • Co-create SHELTER results for Galicia
  • Communicate to the agents the selection of local tools and their current status: Germplasm bank and mass Notices to the population as Open Labs's own solutions
The objective of the Baixa Limia - Serra do Xurés Open Lab is to implement an integrated approach for the protection of rural landscapes (natural / cultural) against forest fires. SHELTER will particularly focus on providing data and information exploitation, risk assessment and monitoring methodologies, tools and solutions, and benchmark / learning cases.

All the case studies are coordinated and follow a common work methodology.
In detail, during the workshop the SHELTER Dashboard Tools were introduced, and a prioritisation of the tools offered by the SHELTER Resilience Dashboard that are of greatest interest to Galicia Open Lab. An assessment of similar already-in-use tools was performed.

Moreover, an analysis of the Galicia Open Lab tools in SHELTER was performed with the presentation of local tools and Validation of existing solutions in Galicia for risk management together with the identification of non-climatic risk management conditioning factors.

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